In the past, the assessment and management of groundwater contamination has been driven by contaminant concentrations.
Title blight: is our public policy for contaminated sites creating barriers to remediation?
Since the 1970s, legislation and regulations have been progressively developed and more stringently implemented in Australia to protect human health and the environment from the advers
National framework for remediating and managing contaminated sites in Australia
CRC CARE is developing a National Remediation Framework (NRF) for remediating and managing contaminated sites.
New guidance on contaminants of emerging concern for contaminated sites
In 2012, CRC CARE identified and prioritised contaminants of emerging concern (CECs) for contaminated site assessment, management and remediation.
Issue 18
Issue 18 focuses on per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), particularly those that have received prominent recent news coverage because of their presence at sites contaminated through firefighting foam usage. We also examine other contaminants of emerging concern, including benzo[a]pyrene and methyl tert-butyl ether, and discuss new guidance on flux-based assessment and groundwater management. We take a look improved in situ measurement of ions in solution and adsorbent technologies for removing nitrate from water. The magazine also updates readers on progress towards a national remediation framework and asks if public policy for contaminated sites is influencing title blight and creating barriers to remediation.
Issue 6
This issue has a focus on public attitudes and policy revision related to contamination and remediation industries. Attitudes and policies change with the times, and we too embrace the future and all the possibilities that come with it as CRC CARE embarks on its second term of funding.
Issue 7
We’re happy to announce that Issue 7 will be the first that is offered in hard copy, creating another avenue for communicating relevant research and issues to industry. Of greatest interest in this issue is the release of our guidance on health screening levels for petroleum hydrocarbons. We also focus on real-time tools for developing conceptual site models, work to establish a national remediation framework, using photocatalysis to remove volatile organic compound, and development and harmonisation of domestic site contamination law.